UMdegree: Making Plans for Graduation

What is UMdegree?

What is an audit?

Can I access UMdegree on any computer?

Can I register for classes in UMdegree?

Who can use UMdegree?

How current will my information be in UMdegree?

Are my grades visible in UMdegree?

Can I see how many classes I have left to fulfill my requirements?

Will I be able to plan for future courses?

Can I see a list of all the classes I've taken?

What do I do if I believe my academic information is incorrect?

If I have additional questions about UMdegree, whom do I contact?


What is UMdegree?

UMdegree is a web-based tool to help students and advisors monitor progress toward degree completion. UMdegree looks at the degree requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog and your coursework completed to produce an easy to read report. The audit (worksheet) is divided into blocks of requirements. Check boxes exist within each block to easily outline what courses and requirements are complete or in progress. See the legend at the bottom of the worksheet for symbol definitions. UMdegree allows students and their advisors to plan for future coursework.

What is an audit?

A degree audit is a report that compares your courses and grades to the required courses and grades for your program of study. The results of that comparison are called degree audits.

Can I access UMdegree on any computer?

You may access UMdegree through myMemphis, UMdegree channel on the student tab (advisor or faculty tab for advisors). You can access myMemphis with any computer that has access to the Internet.

Can I register for classes in UMdegree?

No. Registration will continue to be handled through the link in myMemphis.

Who can use UMdegree?

All undergraduate students will have audits produced in UMdegree. Advisors have access to UMdegree. Students in the MSW program and the Online/Professional MBA will soon also be able to use UMdegree.

How current will my information be in UMdegree?

The information in UMdegree is refreshed each weekday night. As changes are made to the student record (grade changes; classes added or dropped) the changes are available in UMdegree the next business day.

Are my grades visible in UMdegree?

Yes. Once grades have been processed at the end of the semester they are viewable in UMdegree.

Can I see how many classes I have left to fulfill my requirements?

Yes, you may view your remaining requirements in two ways. First, your UMdegree worksheet will outline requirements "still needed" in the context of the total set of requirements for your degree and major. A second way to see how many classes you have left is to use the UMdegree Registration Checklist, which outlines only requirements still needed. Find the Registration Checklist on the pull down menu labeled "Format:" at the top of the UMdegree worksheet.

Will I be able to plan for future courses?

You may use the UMdegree Planner (Planner Tab in UMdegree) to begin planning for graduation. This drag and drop interface will allow you to "move" courses from the "still needed" areas of your worksheet to the semester by semester planner. More instructions are available in the help link on the UMdegree Planner tab. Once you have planned for future courses, you will see a link for "More information about these courses" which will show you if the courses are offered next semester and if they are still available.

Can I see a list of all the classes I've taken?

Yes. On the Worksheet tab in UMdegree, click on the Class History link at the top for a list of courses taken at UofM as well as transfer courses. This is not to be considered a transcript as repeated courses are not noted on this class history.

What do I do if I believe my academic information is incorrect?

Ask your advisor for assistance. The first step is to clarify what information you believe is wrong. If you need additional help identifying what is wrong, contact your advisor. If the advisor believes a technical error exists on the worksheet, email umdegree@memphis.edu

If I have additional questions about UMdegree, whom do I contact?

For additional questions, email umdegree@memphis.edu 

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