For Advisors

UMdegree Advising and Planning Tool

Welcome to UMdegree, a resource for academic advising and graduation checkout

  • Centralizes advising and scheduling resources through hyperlinks to catalog information, class schedules, transcripts, help desk services, and FAQs
  • Supports real-time delivery of academic advice through intuitive web interfaces
  • Minimizes errors through consistent degree plans
  • Supports more timely degree certification
  • Reduces paperwork and manual degree check sheets

UMdegree: Making plans for graduation!

Students have access to an unofficial degree audit that lists information regarding their current academic pursuits, including Degree Requirements, General Education Requirements, Major Requirements (with concentration if applicable) and Minor Requirements. This tool reflects all changes to a student's academic record, and is used in determining whether or not a student has successfully completed all graduation requirements.

UMdegree Instructions for Advisors

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