Generative AI Resources for UofM Facultygen ai logo

The AI Community of Practice, sponsored by UM3D, has assembled the resources on this page to help guide and spark discussion at the University of Memphis. This page, like Gen AI itself, is a work in progress. If you have resources you'd like to share with the group, please send an email to um3d@memphis.edu.

AI for UofM Faculty 

UofM Faculty Senate AI Policy 

Suggested AI syllabus statements from UofM departments and faculty

Gen AI Tools

A list of AI Tools & Plugins from MIT

Suggested Readings on Using Generative AI

MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing AI Working Paper 1:  Resources, guidelines, and professional standards around the use of AI and writing

MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI Working Paper 2: Generative AI and Policy Development

Byrd – Truth-Telling: Critical Inquiries on LLMs and the Corpus Texts that Train Them 

WAC’s "AI Text Generators and Teaching Writing: Starting Points for Inquiry"

AI Syllabus Statements

Digital Rhetoric Collaborative’s Syllabus Repository for AI and Writing 

The Sentient Syllabus Project

Students and Generative AI

The Social Institute "The Kids are Worried..."  

Bestcolleges.com "Most Students Say Using AI Tools..."  

CourseHero "Here's How Students Want Teachers to Use AI"(video)

UNC student guide 

Generative AI Policies at Other Universities

Elon University