Course Navagation

If you are enrolled in a course as a student, the Course Home Page helps you navigate your course and manage your coursework. The Course Navigation Menu is always visible on its respective pages. In Global Navigation, click the Courses link, then click the name of the course. The Course Home Page involves Course Navigation, the content area, and the sidebar. The Course Home Page is viewed from the Course Navigation Home link. 

Course Navigation includes links that help you and your students get to specific locations in the course. Instructors can customize what links are shown in a course, so if you don't see links that may display in other courses, your instructor has hidden those links from your view. 

The active link of the page you are viewing is highlighted with different color text and a line indicator. This highlight helps you quickly identify the feature area you are currently viewing in Canvas. To expand or collapse the Course Navigation Menu, click the Menu icon. When you choose to expand or collapse the Global Navigation menu, your preference is applied to all of your courses. Home Page content (and all Canvas content) is displayed in the content area. 

The content can be a page, the syllabus, discussions, announcements, quizzes, or imported content. The content can also show the Course Activity Stream, which is a list of all recent activity in the course. Your Home Page may also display recent announcements at the top of the page. The Home Page content also defines what sections display in the sidebar. The sidebar functions the same as the Dashboard sidebar but only shows content for the specific course and includes additional options. If your Course Home Page displays a page other than the Course Activity Stream, you can view the course activity stream by clicking the sidebar View Course Stream button. When the Home Page is set as the Course Activity Stream, this button will not appear. If you have been added to a group in your course, the Course Group section includes links to your course groups. The sidebar functions the same as the Dashboard sidebar but only shows content for the specific course and includes additional options.

If your Course Home Page displays a page other than the Course Activity Stream, you can view the course activity stream by clicking the sidebar View Course Stream button. When the Home Page is set as the Course Activity Stream, this button will not appear.

If you have been added to a group in your course, the Course Group section includes links to your course groups. The sidebar always shows the To Do section which shows all recent announcements and up to seven assignments that are due in the upcoming weeks, including ungraded quizzes and assignments that do not require a submission. Each item in the To Do list displays the assignment name, the number of points, and the due date for the assignment. Once the due date has passed, items remain in this section for four weeks.

The sidebar can also include a variety of other sections, depending on the layout your instructor sets for the Course Home Page. Additional sidebar options include the Assignment list, Calendar and Assignment Groups, and Recent Feedback. Each section item displays an icon to differentiate between assignments and peer review assignments. If a section contains more items than are listed, a link will appear under the list that you can use to view additional items. The To Do section shows up to seven items with due dates in the upcoming weeks. To view more items, you must manually remove items from the list. To remove a To Do item, click the remove icon. To learn more, click here.

The Syllabus helps your instructor communicate course expectations and information. The Syllabus is automatically populated by assignments and calendar events in the course. In Course Navigation, click the Syllabus link. The syllabus includes the syllabus description, the syllabus table, and the sidebar. The syllabus description may contain the course description, a brief introduction, class guidelines, weekly reminders, and other important information from your instructor. Review this link to learn more.

The Microsoft Immersive Reader enhances your reading experience by improving accessibility and boosting reading comprehension. You can use the Microsoft Immersive Reader when viewing the Course Home Page or Syllabus or when viewing an individual assignment or page. For more information about the reader, visit the Microsoft Immersive Reader website. When viewing pagesassignmentscourse home pages, and the syllabus in a course, click the Immersive Reader button. The Microsoft Immersive Reader displays a variety of tools and options to enhance your reading experience. You can manage text, grammar, and reading preferences using the toolbar. To expand the reader display, click the Full Screen button.  To hear the page text read aloud, click the Play button. To adjust audio settings, click the Voice Settings button. To close the reader and return to Canvas, click the Exit button. For more information on this topic, review this link.

Some instructors will use modules to organize the course. Modules control the entire flow of the course, along with its content. In Course Navigation, click the Modules link. In Modules, you can view all the modules in your course. Modules are organized by order of progression. Modules house the content items within each module. To expand or collapse all modules, click the Expand All/Collapse All button. To expand or collapse individual modules, click the module Expand or Collapse arrows. If you choose to collapse or expand one or more modules, the Modules Index Page retains the state of each module. For more on Modules in Canvas, review this link.

Several features in Canvas support the Rich Content Editor, including Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, and Quizzes. When creating or editing an announcement, assignment, discussion, or page, the Rich Content Editor opens by default. You can add and format content using the menubar or toolbar. To learn more, click here.

You can use the menubar to easily access several of the tools and features available in the Rich Content Editor. The menubar will display above the Rich Content Editor. The menubar includes the same tools as found in the toolbar, but in a format that is easier to navigate with a keyboard. To view the View menu, click the View link. From the View menu, you can expand the editor content area to the width of your browser and open the HTML editor. To view the View menu, click the View link. From the View menu, you can expand the editor content area to the width of your browser and open the HTML editor. To open the Insert menu, click the Insert link. To insert a link, click the Link option. You can link to an external URL or course content. To insert an image, click the Image option. You can upload a new image or insert an image from your course or user files. To insert media, click the Media option. You can record mediaupload media, or insert media from your course or user files. To insert a document, click the Document option [5]. You can upload a document or insert a document from your course or user files. To insert a math equation, click the Equation option. To insert a table, click the Table option. To embed content using an embed code, click the Embed option. To insert a horizontal line, click the Horizontal Line option. To open the Format menu, click the Format link. You can select several formatting options, including bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, and code. To open the Formats menu, click the Formats option. The Formats menu includes options for headings, inline text, blocks, and alignment. To view and manage blocks, click the Blocks option. To select a font, click the Fonts option. To change the font size, click the Font sizes option. To manage text alignment, click the Align option. To change the direction of the text, click the Directionality option. You can format text from left to right and from right to left. To select a text color, click the Text color option. To select a background color, click the Background color option. To clear formatting, click the Clear formatting link. To open the Tools menu, click the Tools link. To view word count statistics, click the Word count option. To embed content from an external tool, click the Apps option. To view the Table menu, click the Table link. To add a new table, click the Table option. To format the table rows, click the Row option. To format the table columns, click the Column option. To format the table cells, click the Cell option. To view table properties, click the Table properties link. To delete the table, click the Delete table option. To learn more, click here.

You can use the Rich Content Editor to record video and audio media. You can record media for any length of time, but shorter media recordings are recommended. If your media is longer than 15 minutes, you may want to consider recording and uploading using an external provider. Longer media recordings require more time to render and may be interrupted without a stable internet connection. Open the Rich Content Editor when using one of the Canvas features which support the Editor. Several features in Canvas support the Rich Content Editor, including Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, and Quizzes. To upload media from the toolbar, click the Media icon. From the dropdown menu, select the Upload/Record Media option. To view the Media icon, you may have to click the Options icon. Click the Insert link. Navigate to view the Media options, and select the Record/Upload Media option. Click the Record tab. The media recorder connects to your computer's default microphone and web cam. To change your microphone settings, click the Mic button. Then select from the displayed options. To change your webcam settings, click the Webcam button. To disable video recording, select the No Video option. Click the Start Recording button. The media recorder displays the length of your current recording. To restart your recording, click the Start Over button. To finish your recording, click the Finish button. Preview your recorded media in the media recorder. To title your media, type in the Title field. To embed your media in the Rich Content Editor, click the Save button. View your uploaded media file in the Rich Content Editor. To learn more review this link.

You can embed uploaded image files from your user files in Canvas in the Rich Content Editor. After embedding an image, you can also edit the image display options and add alt tags to your images for better accessibility. Open the Rich Content Editor when using one of the Canvas features which support the Editor. Click the Image icon. To view images saved in your Canvas user files, select the User Images option. Alternatively, you can embed images from the menubar. Click the Insert link. Navigate to view the Image options, then select the User Images option. By default, when embedding an image in the Rich Content Editor, the Add menu displays image files from your selected source. To change the image file source, click the Source drop-down menu. To sort image files by date added or alphabetically, click the Sort by drop-down menu. To search for an image, enter the file name in the Search field. You must enter at least three characters for search results to display. Click the image file to embed. View the image embedded in the Rich Content Editor. You can also edit the size of the image and add alt tags for improved accessibility. Click the Save button. View the content created in the Rich Content Editor. To learn more, review this link.

If your course has enabled Microsoft Office 365, you can view all files in your Microsoft Office 365 (OneDrive) folder in Canvas. The OneDrive folder is accessed from the Course Navigation Menu. In Course Navigation, click the Office 365 link. You may be asked to authenticate your account. Click the Log In button. In an external window, enter your Office 365 email (or phone number) and password. View the files and folders in your OneDrive folder. OneDrive displays file name and the date it was modified. Files display the file size. To search for a file, enter the name of the file and press the Enter (Return) key. To open a file, click the name of the file. To open a file, click the name of the file. View the file in Microsoft Word online. You can edit the document directly in your browser if necessary. To learn more, click here.