
Canvas Basics-- Training

Teach yourself Canvas with our self-paced course Growing with Canvas and our short YouTube videos, or sign up for group or individual training. Once you've created a course, use our checklist to ensure it's is ready for the new semester.

Growing with Canvas Course

Get hands on experience using Canvas in our self paced course, Growing with Canvas featuring short tutorials on tools and resources.

UM3D YouTube Channel

Watch short, concise videos answering some of the most frequently asked questions of our technology trainers and instructional designers. 

Group & One-on-One Canvas Training

Sign up for 1 hour Canvas trainings via Teams, departmental presentations or one-on-one consultations with Canvas Trainers or Instructional Designers.

Canvas Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your courses are ready for the new semester.

Basics-- Features

Canvas includes a variety of customizable course creation and management tools, course and user analytics and statistics, and internal communication tools. 

Using the Home Page

When students log in to your Canvas course for the first time, they need something friendly and welcoming that orients them and directly communicates what to do. Make sure your Course Home Page is ready.

Managing Content

Canvas has lots of features and tools for teaching a course. But you also need these “under the hood” functions for managing your course site.


Canvas has several ways to communicate with your students. Learn how you can stay connected with Announcements and Inbox.


Discussions are threaded conversations on a single topic. They are asynchronous, which means participants do not have to be online at the same time. You can use this flexible tool for communication and assessment.


Canvas Assignments is an assessment tool. Anything a student submits for grading and feedback is an “assignment.” Learn about the ways you can use the Assignments page.


As with assessments in a face-to-face classroom, Quizzes in Canvas help you gauge student understanding of course content.


The Gradebook stores all information about student progress in the course, measuring both letter grades and course outcomes.

Canvas Roles and Permissions

This page provides details about the roles and permissions available for users within the UofM Canvas environment.