Contact Us

The UM3D instructional design and technology team assists faculty with creating quality online, on ground, and hybrid courses for the University of Memphis.  You can contact our entire team at um3d@memphis.edu  or schedule a Teams appointment with the first available person.  For routine course maintaince or Canvas questions, please submit a service request

Barrett Schwarz
Dr. Barrett Schwarz

Director, Academic Teaching & Learning Support
University Libraries
Schedule an appointment with me

Derek Hardaway

Derek Hardaway
Assistant Director, Academic Learning Support 
(901) 678-2759
University Libraries
Schedule an appointment with me



Kameishea Bigham
Kameishea Bigham
Instructional Technology Trainer
University Libraries
Schedule an appointment with me


Lavonnie Perry Claybon
Dr. Lavonnie Perry Claybon

Instructional Technology Trainer
University Libraries
Schedule an appointment with me

Scott Contini
Scott Contini

Instructional Technology Trainer
University Libraries
Schedule an appointment with me



Trish Lange
Trish Lange

Instructional Designer
University Libraries
Schedule an appointment with me


Brandon Maas
Brandon Maas

Instructional Technology Trainer
University Libraries
Schedule an appointment with me


sarah marshall
Sarah Marshall
Instructional Designer
University Libraries
Schedule an appointment with me

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