ISP graphic

Individual Success Plan (ISP)

Because achieving any goal requires transformation on a mental and often physical level, TRIO participants are required to complete a success plan which will be used to target specific, customized interventions that will aid in achieving short and long-term educational goals.

The ISP will outline goals and action steps in the areas of academics, personal growth, career, cultural awareness, and social support and engagement.

The Individual Success Plan helps participants remove obstacles and create a clear academic pathway, positively impacting student success.

Individual Success Plan Purpose:

  • Set informed goals for individual success in the areas of math and science, personal growth, career, finance, and social support
  • Create concrete action steps which will delineate the specific support services required of the student to support the achievement of goals
  • Set up monthly appointments for monitoring progress towards stated goals and benchmarks
  • Establish a successful academic foundation to persist in a chosen major
  • Address misguided aspirations and/or under-preparedness for career interests