Travel Information for Guests/Visitors

Guest/Visitor travel is defined as any non-employee/non-student travel at the request of the university. This includes consultants, prospective faculty/staff, visiting professors, contractors, or speakers. The UofM Travel Policy provisions apply to Guest/Visitor travel.

Guest Travel

  • The university no longer supports direct-billing for expenses such as airfare, lodging and rental cars. These expenses can no longer be paid by providing a purchase order number.
  • Travel purchase orders are ONLY for reimbursing out-of-pocket travel expenses made by guests/students.
  • If the department wants to directly pay for any expenses, a faculty or staff member must submit a pre-approval under their name in Chrome River, pay the expense then submit an expense report to reconcile/reimburse the expenses.
    • The expenses can be paid with the faculty/staff member’s University Travel Card and reconciled in Chrome River, or
    • The expenses can be paid with the faculty/staff member’s personal card and be reimbursed through Chrome River.
  • A travel purchase order MUST be created if reimbursing a guest's out-of-pocket expenses.

To reimburse a guest traveler after they have a Banner ID and AP address:

  1. When travel is complete, fill out the travel claim form and have it signed by the traveler and financial manager(s) for the index(es) used.
  2. Submit the signed travel claim to sharedservices@memphis.edu with receipts for each of the expenses and documentation of the reason for travel.