Kenann Modjeska Quander

Assistant Professor of Costume Design, Theatre & Dance

3745 Central Ave., Theatre Building, Room #129
Office Hours
by appointment
Faculty Picture

About Kenann

Kenann is a Washington, DC native who has worked on everything from television to Broadway. She holds an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University and is a member of United Scenic Artists local 829. As a freelance costume designer her design credits include: Once on This Island (Hangar Theatre); Beast Girl (The Kennedy Center, TYA); Dreamgirls (Yale Dramatic Association); Drumfolk 2020-24 US Tour (Step Afrika); The Threepenny OperaBlithe SpiritTales of the lost Formicans (Susquehanna University); The Grapes of Wrath (Theatre IV, Richmond, VA); Annie Get Your GunFinian's RainbowEnemy of The People (Poly Preparatory Country Day School, NYC); ChicagoFunny House of A NegroLaramie ProjectWine in the Wilderness (Virginia Commonwealth University). She would like to thank the University of Memphis for the opportunity and can’t wait for the first production of the season.


MFA, Costume Design, 2010
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

BFA, Theatre Design, 2003
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

A.A.S, Fashion Design, 2000
Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY.


United Scenic Artists Local 829, Local IATSE (member since 2015)
United States Institute for Theatre Technology, USITT member
Costume Professionals Group Member
(TGL) The Global Leaders in Movies and Entertainment
Costume Society of America Member

Honors and Awards

Southeastern Theatre Conference

SETC- Southeastern Theater Conference, 2rd place, undergraduate costume design, 03’
SETC- Southeastern Theater Conference, Honorable Mention, graduate costume design, 09’

Academy of Television, Arts and Science

The Emmy’s Costume Design Internship: 2003

“Strong Medicine”, “General Hospital” (Culver City, California)
“One of Us” (Warner Brothers Studios)
 CRC- Costume Rental Company (Burbank California)

Research and Scholarly Activities

Research Interests

Teaching Interests: Costume Design from the ethnic perspective (makeup, clothing, and hair), Clothing for Rituals and Celebrations from around the World, Costume History (Period Style) Costume Rendering, Costume and Fashion collaborative courses, Clothing as an artform.



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