Faculty/Staff FREE Night at the Theatre
The Department of Theatre & Dance is very excited about all of the exciting things happening in our building and across campus in other departments. We would like to honor the hard work and dedication all U of M faculty and staff by offering a U of M Faculty and Staff FREE Night at the theatre. So, take a break and join us the first Friday of each Mainstage production.
Faculty/Staff FREE Nights at the Theatre for the 2024-2025 Season
The Mousetrap: Friday, February 21 at 7:30pm
STEP BY STEP directions to get your Faculty/Staff FREE Night tickets.
- Please get your tickets to a show by going to… HERE
- Click on the image of the show you want to attend
- Choose your date (from the selection on the upper right)
- Click the blue "Buy tickets" button
- Log-in using the "U of M Log-In Here" button. - IMPORTANT The system will make you log-in. It uses "single sign-on" just like all other UM apps. If you have previously been signed into UM systems this step might not be required
- Click on a seat from the map and choose "U of M Student/Faculty/Staff" as your ticket type, you may continue to add additional paid tickets if you wish - If you don't see the "U of M Student/Faculty/Staff" option, use your name on the upper right corner to log out and then back in again (some first-time users will have this issue)
- Choose "Details & Pay"
- Complete your details and click "Proceed to payment"
- IF you included paid tickets you will need to input payment on this screen
- IF you only had free tickets in your card, the system will bypass any payment screen
- Done! - You can either download your ticket here, or use the email the system sends you
Please bring your faculty/staff id with you to the performance.
All tickets are available on a first come, first served basis.