

Written by Sophocles
Translated by Anne Carson 
Oct 26 – 28 and Nov 2 – 4 at 7:30PM


This savage Greek tragedy recounts the murders of Clytemnestra and Aegisthus by Clytemnestra's son Orestes, who is avenging their murder of his father Agamemnon. Sophocles tells the story through the eyes of Orestes’ sister, Elektra. Who despite having similar passions of revenge, admits her own actions are shameful. Anne Caron’s translation equals the original in its ferocity of expression in depicting the title character’s grief, anger and exultation.

Faculty/Staff FREE Night at the Theatre: Friday, October 27 at 7:30pm

American Sign Language – Interpreted Performance: Friday, November 3


Elektra: Erin McKee
             Understudy- Jasmine Gillenwaters
Clytemnestra: Katy Cotten
Orestes: Jeremiah McDonald
Old Man (Paedagogus): Daniel Rickman
Chrysothemis: Abigail Lynn Marie Rider
Aegisthus: Austin Wall
Pylades: Madeline Comer
Ghost Of Agamemnon: Chandler Van Hoek
Chorus: Holly Ferguson +U/S Chrysothemis,
Anna Hefner +U/S Clytemnestra,
Dereon West +U/S Aegisthus, and
Andre Johnson III (AJ) +U/S Old Man

Production Staff
Director: Christian Tripp
Assistant Directors: Jasmine Gilenwaters and Sulan Roachell
Choreographer: Abbie Martin
Producer: Holly Derr
Costume Designer: Caelan Ingram
Asst. Costume: Zachery Strange
Lighting Designer: Chris Hanian
Asst. Lighting: Tevin Mabone
Sound Designer: Josh Williams
Scenic Designer: Clare Kelly
Props Supervisor: Clare Kelly
Technical Director: Mike O.
Stage Manager: Lily Anderson
Asst. Stage Manager: Chloe Smith
Asst. Stage Manager: Uriel Martinez
Production Electrician: Bruce Moran

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