
CHROMA: A Faculty Dance Concert

Nov. 16 – 18 at 7:30PM 


This fall, join the dance program in its presentation of Chroma, a compilation of choreographed works by University of Memphis dance faculty and guest artists. Chroma is an evening of dance that turns an intensified lens on the varying colors of life and every season we encounter. A season can be the finite four that our years tirelessly pour through, or it can be the varying stages of a human life as one continues to age. Every concentrated hue is pinpointed on a specific time, place, or feeling - deeply diving into the ups and downs of the human condition. 

Choreographers: Micheal Medcalf, Kristen Lucas, Wayne Smith, Jill Nee, Rachel Arwine, and guest artist Staycee Pearl

Cast: Kelby Hicks, Jacob Stagoski, Melody Green, Morgan Doss, Hannah Smith, Libby Otto, Haylee White, Sydney Brown, Ella Lark, Isabella Osborne, Morgan Doss, Jara Jawneh, Cortland Robinson Jr, Wayne Smith, Jacob Stagoski, Haylee White, Ilana Randle, Elyzah Gasmen, Kayte Baker, Martravious Smith,  Mkayla Balfour, Abbie Martin, Adriyana Hester, Sam Martin, Rachel Arwine, and Neile Martin

Production Staff
Producer: Jill Nee
Costume Designer: Sphinx Curtis, Cole Hudson, Newman Jones, Kathie Kovarik, and Ali Filipovich
Lighting Designer: Josh, Chris, Bruce, Tevin, and Anthony Pellecchia
Sound Designer: Anthony Pellecchia
Asst. Sound: Rowan Sullivan
Props Supervisor: Clare Kelly
Technical Director: Rick Mayfield
Stage Manager: Hallie Phillips
Asst. Stage Managers: Rhaniyah Chism, Emma Day
Production Electrician: Chris Hanian

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