Undergraduate BFA in Theatre



Artists need a supportive, diverse and respectful environment in which they can learn; the freedom to experiment, fail, succeed and triumph; and the guidance to know which has happened.

We are dedicated to mentoring and nurturing the individual student so that each can discover the artist within. The College of Communication and Fine Arts, which houses the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music and the departments of art, architecture, communication, and journalism in addition to the Department of Theatre & Dance, provides a perfect environment in which to study a multi-disciplinary profession like Musical Theatre.

The BFA is a four-year pre-professional degree in which students take approximately 70 percent of their coursework in their major the area of study and 30 percent in other areas. This gives students the opportunity to grow and develop as theatrical artists while gaining a broader educational perspective. We believe that the more you understand the world you live in, the more successful you will be in the theatre.

Theatre & Dance Minor

Students wishing to minor in theatre or dance in the Department of Theatre & Dance should see the Department Chair who will assign an appropriate advisor.

The minor must consist of at least 18 hours of approved course work, 9 of which must be upper division. Course work for all minors will be determined by the student in conference with the advisor and approved by the Department Chair.

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