MFA Scholarships
We offer scholarship opportunities up to full tuition and the opportunity to work in the department for an additional stipend. Graduate students are offered the opportunity to work in one of following areas: scenic production, lighting & sound production, costume construction or publicity.
The Job
Each student has the opportunity to be assigned to a production area related to their field or to an area of interest. All areas ask that the Graduate Assistant help supervise and teach undergraduate laboratory students. This arrangement allows the GA to begin teaching before entering the classroom environment. Also, it provides the opportunity to practice one's skills and pass them on to another theatre artist. We do not require you to be an expert in your assigned area, only that you be willing to learn.
Scenic Production
A GA working in the area of scenic production will be asked to build, paint and rig scenery as well as help our lab students who are learning to do the same. We work every weekday afternoon and the occasional Saturday (for special needs such as floor paint). One person in this area is chosen to oversee the properties area for the season.
Costume Construction
The costume shop is open weekday afternoons. GAs in this area are responsible for costume construction and alterations according to their level of expertise and desire to learn new skills. Some may be assigned to millinery and costume crafts. There are occasional Saturday work calls and dress parade responsibilities. Costume GAs help to supervise the undergraduate production lab students.
Lighting & Sound Production
The GAs in this area oversee all aspects of light hangs, sound rig and set up as well as daily maintenance of lighting systems and projects. Lighting & sound GAs work Monday through Thursday weekly, and cover technical rehearsals and light hang on selected weekends.
Promotion and Publicity
A GA in this area would act as an assistant to the Promotion & Publicity Director. This includes creating show posters and other promotional devices and press releases. The job also entails overseeing box office operations, house management and ushers and being the department tour guide.