Booking Departmental Spaces

From this page current department faculty, staff, and students may book departmental spaces for rehearsals, performances, etc.  All bookings must be received 24 business hours in advance and are reviewed by departmental staff and are not finalized until they are confirmed.  The department reserves the right to decline space bookings at any time.

Visitors and individuals outside of the department who wish to use our spaces are encourage to contact Kinon Keplinger at  901-678-2523

There are three steps to booking a space:

  • Use the links below to VERIFY if the space you wish to use is available on the date/time you wish to use it.
  • Create a new booking request using the BOOK NOW link.
  • You will receive an email confirmation that your request went through.  YOUR BOOKING IS NOT OFFICIAL until you receive an approval email from our office indicating your booking has been approved.

    In most cases, a key will be needed to gain access to the reserved room. Keys must be checked out from the Theatre and Dance office, room 144, during normal operating hours (Monday- Friday 9am-5pm.)

BOOK NOW! - Make sure you have verified your desired space is available using the links below FIRST

BOOK NOW! - Make sure you have verified your desired space is available using the links above FIRST

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