Visitor Parking Information

Parking Information for the University of Memphis Main Campus (Memphis, TN)

Monday - Friday Parking Options

Garage Parking:  The visitor rate for both garages is $3.00 per hour with a $15.00 per day maximum. (The Testing Center provides parking validation vouchers for garage parking, please bring the entry ticket pulled to enter the garage to office with you in order to have it validated).

  • Fogelman Drive Garage: 340 Fogelman Drive next to the Fogelman Executive Center (Lot 40).

  • Zach Curlin Garage: 505 Zach Curlin (Lot 3)

General Parking:  General parking permits may be purchased online or in Parking and Transportation Services located at 505 Zach Curlin Parking Garage. One Day Invited Visitor Pay is $3.00 and is good for any General Lot. If you have any questions, please contact PTS at 901.678.2212 or parking@memphis.edu 

  • General Parking (Lot 15) is located across the railroad track and may be accessed from Houston Street.  Once parked, you may use the stairs or elevator in the northeast corner of the South Garage to access the 4th floor for access to the Hunter Harrison Memorial Bridge over the railroad tracks.                   

Weekend Parking Options

Garage Parking: Garage parking during the weekend is not available.  Parking passes will not be validated for weekend parking.

General Parking: General parking is free to candidates during the weekend.  General Parking (Lot 15) is located across the railroad track and may be accessed from Houston Street. Once parked, you may use the stairs or elevator in the northeast corner of the South Garage to access the 4th floor for access to the Hunter Harrison Memorial Bridge over the railroad tracks.

Visitor's Traffic Appeal Form: 

Parking Information for the University of Memphis Lambuth Campus (Jackson, TN)

ALL campus parking requires a parking pass Monday-Friday. Parking permits can be borrowed in Testing – room 314. Park without a pass on Lambuth Blvd (the parallel parking in front) or King St (the street across the yard).

Borrowing a Pass is free
Parking Ticket is $25

In the future, you can purchase a $3/day pass online here.

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