Proctor Services

The University of Memphis Testing Center serves as a testing site for those taking distance learning courses at other universities, colleges and agencies.  Exams may be taken in the form of paper & pencil or computer (personal laptops, surfaces and/or tablets are not permitted). Proctor Services are available at both the University of Memphis Main Campus (Memphis, TN) as well as the University of Memphis Lambuth Campus (Jackson, TN)


  • To set up an exam to be proctored by the Testing Center, you must first contact your school or institution to receive permission to take your test at the University of Memphis.  If our centers contact information is required at that time, provide them with the following: (please email or fax to us proctor agreement forms that require signature)
    • If requesting to have your exam proctored at the University of Memphis Main Campus: Please have your exam sent to:

University of Memphis Testing Center
3669 Alumni Dr./Brister Hall 112
Attn: Kimberly Avant
Phone: (901) 678-2428
Fax: (901) 678-2745
Email: proctoredtests@memphis.edu

    • If requesting to have your exam proctored at the University of Memphis Lambuth Campus: Please have your exam sent to:

University of Memphis Lambuth Testing Center
705 Lambuth Blvd./Hyde Hall 314
Attn: Antoinette Smith
Phone: (731) 425-1910
Email: lambuthtesting@memphis.edu

  • It is the test taker's responsibility to ensure that your school or institution sends the exam along with detailed proctoring and return instructions.  If exam documents are required to be returned by mail, it is the test takers responsibility to bring an addressed and stamped envelope or prepaid courier envelope and label.
  • Exams may be sent to us via mail, fax, email or courier service. It is your responsibility to make sure the exam materials are received by us in time to meet any exam deadlines put in place by your institution.  Please schedule all exams at least 48 hours prior to your requested testing date.
  • The administration fee for proctor services is $35 + service fee per exam.  Once your have been granted permission from your institution to take your exam with our center, visit our secure payment links below to schedule your test. (Please note that you must schedule your exam 48 hours prior to your requested test date and cancel or reschedule your exam 24 hours before your scheduled exam).
  • We recommend that you contact our center to confirm the receipt of the exam at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time - if exam materials have not been received by your scheduled appointment time; your will be required to reschedule. 
  • Please note that you will need to know the length of your exam prior to registering - registering for the wrong time slot will effect your testing and your will be required to reschedule.
  • Disability Related Accommodations:  Please note that the students home school or institution from where the exam originates must directly provide the Testing Center with a request for special accommodations.

Click below to schedule your exam

  • Proctored exams for the University of Memphis Main Campus include:


To schedule a proctored exam for the University of Memphis Main Campus (Memphis, TN): Click Here

  • Proctored exams for the University of Memphis Lambuth Campus include:

Assessment Systems, Distance Learning Courses, HESI and WGU

To schedule a proctored exam for the University of Memphis Lambuth Campus (Jackson, TN): Click Here


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