Providing Quality Testing Services

**Please Note:  Social Distancing and cleanliness practices are in place.  Masks may be used at your discretion. The safety and well-being of all of our students and staff are, by-far, our most important concern. As a safety precaution, our staff has completed an Enhanced Testing Center Cleansing Training Program. 

 For questions regarding testing, please  : proctoredtests@memphis.edu 

The University of Memphis Testing Center is committed to providing quality testing services to our students and members of the community. We aim to offer the most relevant national and institutional based exams that include but are not limited to CLEP and DSST testing, proctoring services, academic competency exams, graduate school admissions testing and professional certification and licensure exams.


  • Assist students in fulfilling educational goals by providing a variety of testing services by certified personnel in a pleasant and advanced technical environment.
  • Equip students with valuable information needed to promote educational growth and to achieve goals during and after college.
  • Consistently strive to promote student satisfaction and achievement through learning and engagement while also adhering to the National College Testing Association Professional Standards and Guidelines for Post-Secondary Institutions.


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