
The University of Memphis Testing Center willingly provides special test accommodations for all candidates who qualify for non-standard test administrations. Please send all documentation to the Testing Center no later than two weeks prior to when you would like to test (Please Note: Do not schedule your exam through the scheduler until you have been approved to test; doing so before approval does not guarantee your selected exam date). You can fax your documentation to 901.678.2745 or drop it off at our office in Brister Hall, Room 112.

Documentation of your accommodations must:

  • Be current- i.e., completed within the past few years for disabilities not of a permanent or unchanging nature.

  • Describe the specific accommodations requested

  • Adequately support each of the requested testing accommodation(s)

  • Be typed or printed on official letterhead and be signed by an evaluator qualified to make the diagnosis. 

University of Memphis students who believe they qualify for special accommodations should contact the Disability Resources for Students office.

For more information, please contact the Testing Center.

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