Apply for Teaching License

The Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice provides assistance for University of Memphis students seeking teaching licensure in the State of Tennessee. Students who wish to obtain a license from another state must contact the Department of Education for that state. Please visit U.S. Department of Education's State Contacts for a list of state by state education agencies.

Contact our Licensing and Certification Specialist Mary Lanier for questions or concerns regarding Tennessee Teaching Licensure, or call our office at 901-678-2377.

Find Your Licensure Area

Undergraduate Licensure>

Graduate Licensure>

Instructional Leadership License>

Job Embedded Practitioner License>

Practitioner Initial License>

Practitioner Occupational License>

Practitioner School Services Personnel>

Add-On Endorsements to Existing Licenses>

Licensure Outside of Tennessee

Many educational programs offered by the University of Memphis lead to professional licensure within the State of Tennessee and in other states. Students should be aware that licensure and certification requirements vary from state to state and are subject to change. Licensing agencies or boards also may have requirements in addition to an earned degree.

The University of Memphis has not made a determination whether University of Memphis's programs will meet all of the licensure and certification requirements in each US state or territory. The University of Memphis recommends that students who are not Tennessee residents or who plan to seek licensure or certification outside the state of Tennessee contact the appropriate licensing agency or board prior to enrollment in an academic program designed to lead to licensure or certification and discuss their plans with an advisor

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