Graduate Advising

The Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership (ICL) and the Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice (OTECP) offer two master's programs: the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree and the Master of Science (MS) degree in School Library Information Specialist. Both are master's degrees and teacher licensure programs all in one. An individual may not seek teacher licensure at the University of Memphis unless they have a 2.75 undergraduate GPA from an accredited institution. Students are cautioned not to enroll in graduate coursework if they do not meet this standard because tuition cannot be refunded.

Get started:

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)


The Master of Arts in Teaching degree program leads toward a master’s degree and a Tennessee teaching license. The program requires a minimum GPA of 2.75. Candidates are not required to take the Praxis exam for entrance into the program.

For candidates that hold a master’s or doctorate, you may enroll as a Graduate Non-Degree seeking student.

Select your MAT Concentration:


Master of Science (MS) in School Library Information Specialist

Student in a library

The School Library Information Specialist program in the College of Education leads candidates to a Master of Science (MS) degree with initial licensure and a Tennessee License to teach grades K-12.


Learn more about the SLIS MS >

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