Contact Us

Office of Teacher Education & Clinical Practice
202 Ball Hall
Phone: 901.678.2377
Fax: 901.678.3814
Email: tecp@memphis.edu

Dr. Nichelle Robinson

Dr. Nichelle Robinson
OTECP Director,
Professor of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership
Email | 901.678.2377

Ryan Mitchell

Ryan Mitchell
Academic Counselor II
Undergraduate Advising
Email | 901.678.2377


Mary Lanier

Licensing and Certification Specialist, State Certification Officer
Email | 901.678.2377

Courntey Garland

Courtney Garland
Project Coordinator
River City Partnership 
Email | 901.678.2377

Chainese Sly

Chainese Sly
Clinical Placement and Induction Coordinator
Email | 901.678.3814

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