COE Undergraduate Praxis Scholarship

COE students working on laptop in class

The University of Memphis College of Education invests in future educators. With a dedication to equity, the Praxis Scholarship provides financial assistance to undergraduate students who are pursuing a teaching degree in the College of Education. 

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must be full-time undergraduate Juniors enrolled in the College of Education at the University of Memphis who will complete their Residency between Fall 2023-Spring 2024.
  • Applicants must have an overall GPA of 2.75
  • Applicants must major in Teaching All Learners (TALN), Human Development and Learning (HDVL) or Secondary Math (SCED Math)
  • 2023 Scholarship deadline, March 15, 2023


How to Apply:

Click the button below to complete the application and to submit a response to the following statement: How does receiving this scholarship help you to reach your goal of becoming a classroom teacher? (150-word minimum)

Apply for the Undergraduate Praxis Scholarship >


If awarded the scholarship, you will be required to:

  • Take the Praxis exam within the semester in which the scholarship is awarded. 
    • The University of Memphis College of Education will provide a voucher for the scholarship recipients to use when they register for the exam.
  • Provide evidence of registering for and taking the exam to the Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice.
    • Applicants must register within 30 days of receiving the ETS voucher


For questions or more information, email The Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice.