Office of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice

The University of Memphis Educator Preparation Program is innovating PreK-12 education. A nationally accredited and recognized program, our office has raised admission and exit standards, redesigned our curriculum to be practitioner oriented, and built partnerships so our candidates complete their yearlong residency in the classrooms of the best teachers. Our program "Exceeds Expectations" according to the latest TN Teacher Prep Report Card. We are one of only nine teacher prep programs (out of the 39 in the state) to receive this honor.

Dr. Nichelle Robinson Dr. Nichelle Robinson
Director of Teacher Education and Clinical Practice
Email | 901.678.2377
Ball Hall 202


OTECP Resources:



Your one-stop shop for information on your journey to becoming a licensed educator.

Help is a click away


Our Master of Arts in Teaching and its nine different concentrations for you to choose from.

Click Here


Information and assistance for students seeking licensure in the State of Tennessee

Learn more
Clinical Practice

Clinical Practice

The field experience portion of your education journey, everything from information on background checks to residency.

Take a look

UofM Notice on Licensure Outside of Tennessee:

Many educational programs offered by the University of Memphis lead to professional licensure within the State of Tennessee and in other states. Students should be aware that licensure and certification requirements vary from state to state and are subject to change. Licensing agencies or boards also may have requirements in addition to an earned degree.

The University of Memphis has not made a determination whether University of Memphis's programs will meet all of the licensure and certification requirements in each US state or territory. The University of Memphis recommends that students who are not Tennessee residents or who plan to seek licensure or certification outside the state of Tennessee contact the appropriate licensing agency or board prior to enrollment in an academic program designed to lead to licensure or certification and discuss their plans with an advisor.

Frequently Asked Questions >

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