
Undergraduate Course

  • CIVL 3140, Environmental Systems Engineering: By enrolling in this course you are going to have an exciting opportunity to learn about fundamental science and engineering principles in environmental engineering. During this course, you will learn about material balance, water chemistry, water and wastewater treatment, air pollution, and solid waste management. In addition to the lectures, students conduct water and wastewater quality testing in the lab.

        In Fall 2021, a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) project was conducted in partnership with the University of ITESO in Mexico. The project focused on disposable plastic consumption and urban sustainability.



CIVL3140, Fall 2021



CIVL3140, Fall 2018, Visiting the Stile Wastewater Treatment Facility
CIVIL3140, Spring 2019, Visiting the Stile Wastewater Treatment Facility
Graduate Courses
  • CIVL 8903, Specific Topics on Water Chemistry 
  • CIVL 6143, Physical/Chemical Treatment of Water