Students and Post Doc

Former Students

  • Laura Patton, Master of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Memphis, (Fall 2018), she received her undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from Tennessee Technological University. She studied the microplastics fate within stormwater for her master project. She graduated in Spring 2019 and currently is working in an environmental consulting firm in Memphis, TN.


  • Raymonde Bell, Undergraduate research assistant, Civil Engineering, University of Memphis, (Spring 2019). She assisted with the research project to investigate stormwater pollution by the industrial facilities in TN.


  • Khashayar Aghili has joined the SWERL in Fall 2018. He completed his undergraduate in Chemical Engineering at Iran University of Science and Technology. He investigated the contaminant fate and transport with the urban stormwater for his master thesis. After completing his Master degree, he joined the University of Maryland to pursue his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering.


  • Tanvir Ahamed has joined the SWERL in Fall 2018. He completed his undergraduate in Civil Engineering at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, in Bangladesh. He investigated the heavy metals fate and transport within drinking water plumbing materials for his master thesis. He is currently a Ph.D. student in Texas Tech University.



  • Donya Sharafoddinzadeh has joined the SWERL in Spring 2019. She has an undergraduate degree in Textile Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran, with a focus on fibers chemistry. For her Master's project, she developed the advanced polymeric nanofibrous media to remove heavy metals from water.


          Current Ph.D. Students


  • Md Hadiuzzaman has joined the SWERL in Fall 2019. He completed his undergraduate in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, in Bangladesh, and master degree in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He is investigating the contaminant fate and transport within the plastic materials for his Ph.D. dissertation. 



  • Linkon Bhattacharjee joined SWERL in Fall 2020 as a Ph.D. student. He completed his Master's in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He is working on Microplastics degradation in agricultural soil for his Ph.D. dissertation.


  • Shima Ghoochani joined SWERL in Fall 2020 as an MSc student. She completed her MSc in Fall 2021 and started her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Environmental). Her research focuses on potable water quality.


Former Post Doctoral Research Assistant

  • Dr. Dave DeSimone is a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Salehi Water and Environmental Research Lab. He earned his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Tennessee in 2019, his Master of Science in Plastics Engineering from the University of Massachusetts (Lowell) in 2011, and his Bachelor of Science in Civil/Environmental Engineering from the University of Rhode Island in 2006. Before completing his PhD, he spent several years in industry as a process engineer. His current research focuses on plastic pipes' material properties and the corresponding effects on drinking water contamination.

Dr. Dave DeSimone