

Maryam Salehi, Ph.D.

Dr. Maryam Salehi is an Assistant Professor in Department of Civil Engineering at University of Memphis, and earned her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Environmental) from Purdue University in 2017. She obtained her MSc in Civil Engineering from the University of South Alabama, where she earlier conducted her Post Doctoral research. In addition to her studies in Civil Engineering, Dr. Salehi holds BSc, MSc and Ph.D. degrees in Textile Engineering. She has been conducting multidisciplinary research at the interface of material science and environmental engineering to protect the public health, for a decade. Also, she has been applying her expertise in nanotechnology, water chemistry, polymer and surface science to investigate the contaminant fate within drinking water infrastructure. Dr. Salehi has co-authored several peer review journal publications and has also presented in many national and international conferences. She is engineering and scientific research aimed to understand the fate of plastic pollutants within the environment and to identify the sustainability of drinking water infrastructure and water treatment technologies.