The College of Arts & Sciences is the heart of the University.

We teach students to think critically – to master creative and analytical processes. Setting standards of excellence, our faculty and students are the pulse of academic life at the University of Memphis.

We are grateful for support from our friends and alumni. Their gifts make an enormous difference in the experience we offer to our students. Attracting and retaining exceptional faculty and students, and continuing our growth in cutting edge research sets us apart – makes CAS exceptional. Private funding supports this standard of excellence.

Investing in the College of Arts & Sciences is your opportunity to make an investment in the future - an investment with immediate results and the benefit of a lasting legacy.

Thank you for considering what your personal investment will mean to students, faculty, and the community.

Dr.  Abby Parrill-Baker, Dean

P.S. Please consider making your investment in the College of Arts & Sciences with a planned gift. Your gift through a bequest, insurance policy or retirement account, among others, will provide long term and critical support to our students and faculty.

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