Connecting through Worship on Campus.

It's a spiritual thing. Religious Life is on campus to make sure that students have the opportunity to worship, pray, serve others, find fellowship, and express themselves spiritually. Each religious organization has a weekly worship experience (Catholic Campus Ministry celebrates Mass four times a week). Students often turn to campus ministers from these organizations for advice, mentorship and counsel concerning their everyday needs — things like dating, finances, parents, as well as the powerful tug of spiritual needs.

The campus ministers are available to lead seminars for residence halls and help the campus community as a whole as needs develop. Most of the religious organizations try to reach out to the campus community as well as the Memphis community at large by doing things like providing Thanksgiving meals for international students, refugees in the city, and the community at large, as well as adopting a family at Christmas or tutoring at after school programs. Many organizations also offer opportunities for service work through summer missions and alternative Spring Break trips.

NOTE:  As of summer 2023, there are forty-two registered student organizations classified as religious. Eleven (listed below) have denomination-supported staff, while six maintain facilities or houses within a block of campus (*). These eleven organizations are referred to as the Religious Life Staff at the University of Memphis.

For a full list of Religious Life Organizations, please visit TigerZone. 

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