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Each spring, Student Leadership & Involvement in conjunction with Student Academic Success, the Commencement Office, and the Office of the President hosts the President's Leadership Awards & Honors Assembly. This reception honors the University of Memphis' finest and brightest student leaders and organizations for their leadership roles and service. We present awards in 25 different categories, including the announcement of each year's Carson Circle inductees, the highest honor for student leaders. Winners, and guests will be invited to the awards ceremony on April 15, 2025.

Nominations for all awards are now open and will close March 2, 2025 at 11:59 PM. To apply for each award, please click on the TITLE of the award below.  For questions contact Student Leadership and Involvement at studentinvolvement@memphis.edu or 901.678.8679.


Registered Student Organization Awards

Phoenix Award

This award recognizes a Registered Student Organization that has shown notable improvement with programming, student interest and involvement, and campus engagement or has gone from a state of non-existence and flourished into a thriving organization.

Excellence in Service Award

As stated in its Mission Statement, The University of Memphis believes, "The academic environment extends beyond the campus boundaries to encompass the entire community." The University also acknowledges that it must, as an urban institution, "Bear a special responsibility to prepare and educate the region's future leaders and professionals."

In the interest of promoting the civic responsibility, community involvement, and social action, a special award has been created to recognize a project and/or ongoing effort of a student group that has demonstrated a true commitment to community and/or a social or political cause while furthering the University's mission.

Collaboration Award

Each year students at the University of Memphis make great contributions to the campus community by providing programs and events that enhance campus experience. The Collaboration Award has been created to recognize a program or event that has been sponsored by two or more student groups. These organizations work together to provide a high quality, out-of-the-classroom experiences for the campus community while promoting the values and mission of their organizations.

Program of the Year Award

Each year students at the University of Memphis make great contributions to the campus community by providing programs and events that enhance campus experience. The Program of the Year Award has been created to recognize a program or event of a student group that has provided high quality, out-of-the-classroom experiences for the campus community.

Dr. William E. Porter Advisor of the Year 

At the University of Memphis, advisors continue to play a vital role in the success of our student organizations. Whether by assisting the coordination of volunteer projects, providing leadership or educational presentations for organization members, or simply serving as true student advocates, University staff and faculty assist student organizations in many honorable and extraordinary ways. The Advisor of the Year Award will recognize these individuals for their service to and support of UofM students and organizations.


Organization of the Year

Student organizations at the University of Memphis make great contributions to the campus environment. They connect students through social, academic, spiritual, professional, cultural and special interest outlets. They also provide leadership opportunities and hands-on experience for their members. The Organization of the Year Award recognizes Registered Student Organizations for their contribution to campus and to their membership.

Individual Awards

UofM 20 Under 30

The University of Memphis is comprised of over 20,000 students. Each one of those students has a story. They have become entrepreneurs, served countless hours of community service, overcome great adversity, completed innovative research, and much more. All while being a student. The students at the UofM are doing tremendous things yet, many of their stories go unheard.

Respect and Civility Award

This award recognizes a student who has demonstrated a commitment to pursuing excellence in their academics, professional, and personal life. The student also upholds high ethical standards and conducts his/her self with dignity and respect on campus, in social media, and in the global community. The student holds his/her self, other students, staff, and faculty accountable to support an atmosphere of civility on our campus. The student challenges all to take responsibility of their behaviors, attitudes, and, actions.

Distinguished Service Award

Thousands of University of Memphis students serve the campus and community each year. Whether through their classes, student organizations, churches, scholarship programs, University-sponsored service days, or on their own, these students dutifully respond to the needs of the Memphis community and beyond, demonstrating true citizenship and character.

In the interest of promoting the civic responsibility, community service, and social action, a special award has been created to recognize a student who has demonstrated a true commitment to community and/or a social or political cause while furthering the University's mission.

Most Spirited Student Award

This award recognizes a student that embodies the Memphis Tiger Spirit. This individual promotes student spirit on campus and consistently supports Tiger athletic teams and other student group programs through participation.

Outstanding First Year of Involvement Award

This award recognizes a first year student who has been involved in campus or community activities and has maintained a strong academic standing. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. This student should demonstrate the ability to lead as well as the potential to become a strong student leader at the University of Memphis and in the community.

Student Leader of the Year

The mission of student affairs is to foster student learning and promote student success through engagement and involvement in community, academics, diversity and leadership. This award recognizes a student who demonstrates exceptional leadership skills, a commitment to academic excellence, and fosters a diverse community.


PLAHA Judging Process

The President's Leadership Awards are judged by non-biased group of UofM campus and community partners. These judges are given a rubric, attached below, to evaluate a set number of awards. The awards are based off of the total rubric evaluation.

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