Potential Members

Thank you for your interest in joining our University of Memphis fraternity/sorority community!

Please contact panhellenic@memphis.edu for Continuous Open Bidding information. You can also follow them on their social media page Panhellenic

Please contact ifc@memphis.edu for Informal Recruitment information. You can follow them on their social media page IFC


Why Join?

The Memphis fraternity/sorority community is built on strong academic standards. Members expect a lot of themselves and each other. Chapters provide a number of resources to support members in their academics:

  • Group study sessions
  • Workshops on study skills, test-taking strategies, time management, stress relief, and resume building
  • Faculty advisers offer support and expertise
  • Academic standards and member improvement plans should a member fall below the chapter GPA requirement

As a member of a fraternity or sorority you'll find tremendous opportunities to become an effective leader. Greek organizations are self-governing with numerous leadership opportunities. Membership offers leadership training programs campus-wide and within chapters. Our members have the opportunity to:

  • Hold a leadership role within their chapter
  • Participate in our Panhellenic, Interfraternity, or National Pan-Hellenic Council
  • Serve on University-wide committees
  • Participate in local, state, regional, and national conferences

Service to others and the community is a part of everyday life in the fraternity/sorority community. Our members are generous fundraisers and service providers, annually giving more than $240,000 and providing over 7,000 hours of service. Our chapters:

  • Organize, volunteer, and host different community service and philanthropic initiatives each year
  • Organize dozens of chapter events to raise money and educate the campus
  • Host and support other student organizations' educational programming about issues of civic engagement

The friendship of fraternity and sorority life is a true family experience. It offers you the security and happiness that is part of the brother/sister bond. While you don't have to limit your social life to fraternity and sorority activities, you will find many opportunities to meet and interact with your chapter, other chapters, and other campus organizations. Membership in a fraternity/sorority is not limited to your time as a student at Memphis; following graduation, there are still a number of ways to stay connected and remain active as a lifetime member of your organization.

Potential New Member Information 

All students interested in joining any fraternity or sorority should attend one Potential New Member Orientation session.

  • Information coming soon!

The primary way students join our IFC community is through informal recruitment, which will be held February 5-18, 2025 for the Spring semester. This is the process through which a man can join Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Zeta Beta Tau. During this time potential new members will have the chance to meet each of our fraternities, and attend activites within the two week period, and  IFC Bid Day will be on February 19, 2025.

Our NPHC chapters bring in new members through a process called intake, which typically happens once a year for each chapter. The intake process typically includes an informational meeting or rush, an individual interview, an application, and opportunities to meet undergraduate and graduate members of the organization.

In order to be eligible to participate in a chapter's intake process, you should meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Have at least 12 completed credit hours (some organizations require more, but at minimum, you must be a second-semester freshman)
  • Earn at least a 2.5 college GPA
  • It is strongly recommended that aspirants have leadership exposure and experience through on-campus involvement and community involvement.

For more information about the membership intake process, contact National Pan-Hellenic Council President at nphc@memphis.edu.

The primary way students join our Panhellenic community is through formal recruitment, which will be held September 15-20, 2025 with a mandatory recruitment orientation the evening of September 15. This is the process through which a woman can join Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Kappa Delta, Phi Mu, Pi Beta Phi, or Sigma Kappa. During this time potential new members will have the chance to meet each of our sororities, with the week culminating with Panhellenic Bid Day.

To join Lambda Theta Alpha, a student does not need to participate in formal recruitment. An interested student should attend chapter events, meet members of the organization, and research the organization to learn more about whether or not it is right for her. Lambda Theta Alpha will then host informational meetings open to any student interested in membership. Following those informational meetings, interested students will complete an application, be invited to an interview with current and graduate members, and then potentially be selected for members.



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