Faculty/Advisors Resources

As a faculty or staff member, you are in a unique position to interact with students. You may notice a student looking tired or a group of dressed rather conspicuously. A student may confide in you or write about hazing activities in his/her organization. Even if the activities seem immature rather than dangerous, do not ignore it.

You may wish to empower the student to stand up against hazing and to report the activities to the Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs. If the student does not report the activities, you as an official of UofM should report the information. The Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs will follow up on the concern. Don't be a bystander, take an active role in eradicating hazing from our campus. Report hazing.

An advisor or coach to a campus organization or team is a trusted mentor for most students. You are in a unique role: you provide guidance to the group on a variety of topics. Often, you provide continuity in the group helping them understand their history as well as set long-term goals; you provide opportunities for leadership development and you can provide personal assistance to individual members. You can help students make wise choices and explore the possible consequences of their choices. An advisor is more than a name on a registration form.

You are an important link between students and the University and may be called upon to interpret UofM policies and processes. You will want to raise awareness of risk-related issues and be sure your organization has education on risk management. This will aid the student leaders to create a framework in which they proactively manage their risks and effectively resolve problem situations.

Additionally, as you work with students you may observe behaviors that cause you concern or a student may come to you to report that the organization is hazing. Often the student leaders don't know how to stop the cycle of hazing or may be unaware that the activities are hazing. Learn more about hazing and educate your organization about the harms of hazing.

You can support the student who reports hazing to you while you alone or you and the student report the hazing to the University. Remember, that individual students can be responsible for hazing and the organizations not be charged with hazing. An organization as well as individual students can be charged with a Code violation. The Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs will follow up on the concern. Don't be a bystander. Take an active role in eradicating hazing from our campus.

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