Reporting Hazing


The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and the student conduct process apply to the conduct of all individual students, both undergraduate and graduate (including law students) as well as all University affiliated student organizations.

General policy as defined by The Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities:

"Hazing. As defined in T.C.A. § 49-7-123(a)(1),any intentional or reckless act, on or off the property, of any higher education institution by an individual acting alone, or with others, which is directed against any other person(s) that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of that person(s), or which induces or coerces a person(s) to endanger such person(s) mental or physical health or safety.

Hazing does not include customary athletic events or similar contests or competitions, and is limited to those actions taken and situations created in connection with initiation into or affiliation with any organization. Hazing also includes the following: any action taken or situation created for the purpose of initiation into, admission into, affiliation with (or continued membership in), any group or organization which is intended to produce physical discomfort, injury, mental discomfort, embarrassment, or ridicule.

Such actions or situations include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol, paddling in any form, branding, creation of excessive fatigue; wearing of apparel which is conspicuous or not in good taste; engaging in public stunts; participation in degrading or humiliating games and activities. All acts (active and passive) of hazing as well as allowing oneself to be hazed are prohibited."

Registered Student Organizations:

Student Organizations may be either organizations sponsored by The University of Memphis, such as student government association, associated student body organizations, and professional and honors societies, or organizations officially registered by The University of Memphis. Organizations which may be registered to operate on campus include the following: (a) honors and leadership organizations and recognition societies; (b) departmental organizations and professional fraternities and sororities; (c) social fraternities and sororities; and (d) special interest groups (political. religious. athletic, etc.).
Registration of a student organization by The University of Memphis shall neither constitute nor be construed as approval or endorsement by The University of the purposes or objectives of the organization.

  • "No student organization shall engage in or condone any form of hazing, including but not limited to harassment of any person by exacting unnecessary, disagreeable, or difficult work, by banter, ridicule or criticism, or by abusive or humiliating acts."
  • Greek Counsel: The University of Memphis does not condone hazing in any form. Each of the groups have banned hazing in all of their chapters and have policies in place stating so. If you have concerns about hazing, please contact Fraternity/Sorority Affairs (901-678-8679), where all reports will be handled with discretion. Hazing can be reported anonymously at 1-888-NOT-HAZE (1-888-668-4293).

The University of Memphis Athletics Department:

For intercollegiate athletics to promote the character development of participants, to enhance the integrity of higher education and to promote civility in society, student-athletes, coaches, and all others associated with these athletics programs and events should adhere to such fundamental values as respect, fairness, civility, honesty, and responsibility. These values should manifest not only in athletics participation, but also in the broad spectrum of activities affecting the athletics program. The University of Memphis Department of Athletics expects sportsmanlike conduct of its student-athletes and will not tolerate any action that brings discredit to the university, the Athletics Department, or anyone associated with the Athletics Department including coaches, administrators, and other student-athletes.

  • "The University of Memphis Athletics Department only supports those activities which are constructive, educational, inspirational, and that contribute to the intellectual and personal development of students. As such, the institution unequivocally opposes any situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Hazing is an intentional action taken, situation created, or any conduct or method of initiation into any school organization, club, or team under direct school sponsorship that denies a person his or her individual rights or results in mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, ridicule or endangerment. Hazing includes any forced treatment or physical activity which is likely to adversely affect the physical health or safety of any student or which subjects a student to extreme stress. Additionally, hazing can include exaggerated or excessive teasing. It is "hazing" when a student compels another student to participate in any activity which is against University policy or state/federal law. Even if a hazing victim may seem willing or may even agree to participate in some form of personal embarrassment or physical/mental danger, this does not change or lighten the responsibility of the one who is doing the hazing. In addition, any person who witnesses or fails to report knowledge of any incidents of hazing may be considered to be a participant in the hazing."
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