How Do We Work to Prevent Hazing?

  • Provision of a comprehensive hazing information site.
  • Each hazing allegation is investigated by the Office of Student Accountability, Outreach, & Support.
  • Allows for anonymous and confidential reporting of hazing.
  • Mandatory Potential New Member Orientation for all students wishing to participate in a recruitment or membership intake process.
  • Mandatory annual advisor trainings that includes content regarding hazing prevention. 
  • Required University provided officer trainings for the following chapter positions: President, New Member Educator, Risk Manager, Recruitment Chair, Vice President for Standards, and Social Chair.
  • • Required attendance at the New Member Symposium for all new members and previous semester initiates of culturally based organizations.
  • Requirement of all chapters to submit the Statement of Understanding which includes the University's hazing policies with a mandatory acknowledgement by all new members that they have seen and understand these policies. Resources with the information on these policies can be found on the Student Leadership & Involvement website. 
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