Sports Organizations/Clubs

Our Recreation Services operates the Intramurals Program at our campus. Clubs may be competitive, recreational or instructional in nature, or may have any combination of these characteristics. Sport Clubs are managed by both the rules and regulations governing all recognized student organizations at the University of Memphis through the Office of Student Leadership & Involvement, and those established by the UofM Campus Recreation & Intramural Services. Hazing will not be tolerated.

As a member of a sports club, you need to be vigilant against hazing activities as research shows that for many students hazing is a rite of passage and those involved in sports are at risk for hazing activities.

What you think hazing does What hazing really does
Discipline Distrust
Bonding Lack of participation
Group Pride Humiliation
Respect for active members Resentment
Better performance Lack of caring

If you have questions or need resources related to your involvement in a UofM sports organization/club, contact the Sports Club Coordinator at intramurals@memphis.edu

Resources for Sports Clubs:

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