Fraternities & Sororities

Every Greek letter organization prohibits hazing and every inter/national organization has information on their website regarding hazing. Every professional organization that supports or advocates for fraternities and sororities prohibits hazing. Yet, hazing persists as a challenge for many Greek letter organizations.

Members of the Greek community are expected to learn, value, and integrate the activities and rituals that are unique to their organizations into their lives. As a new member or initiated member, you may feel both personal and social pressure to earn or prove your membership, which may result in participating in or agreeing to perform actions that would be considered hazing.

If you have questions or need resources related to your involvement as a member of the fraternity and sorority community, contact the Fraternity and Sorority Affairs staff within Student Involvement & Leadership in 211 University Center, 901.678.8679. You can also contact the Office of Student Accountability, Outreach, & Support.

Resources for Fraternities and Sororities
coming soon...

888.Not.Haze (confidential hazing hotline sponsored by 22 national fraternal organizations)

The organizations on Memphis' campus that currently participate in the hotline are: Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Pi Beta Phi, and Zeta Beta Tau.

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