Live and Dine on Campus

students walking around campus

Living on campus is not the same as living near campus. Students who live on campus are more likely to be actively engaged in the campus community by living in proximity to campus events and activities. They have more support than off-campus students through interactions with our resident advisors and full-time Residence Life Coordinators. Intentional programs are created by our staff as part of the cocurricular programming designed to enhance the social and community development of students as they pursue their academic goals.

Students eating and laughing

Dining on campus is an integral part of the community experience. It offers the opportunity for students, faculty and staff to come together over a meal. Dining on campus is both convenient and provides incredible value when compared to eating off campus, ordering out or saving time versus preparing your own meals.

Students who live and dine on campus are more engaged and have higher retention than those who do not. Living and dining on campus allows students to fully immerse themselves in the Tiger community!

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