Committees and Representation

Executive Committee 2024-2025

President Nat Youngblood
Vice President Kaleb Ritchie
Secretary Melissa Morgan
Public Relations Coordinator Kristen Russell
Membership Coordinator Tracy Humphrey
Website Coordinator Rebecca Fortney

Staff Senate Committees

Bylaws Committee

Make senators aware of the Staff Senate bylaws and review them annually. The committee will receive recommendations from any member of the Senate for review and propose any amendments to the Staff Senate.The committee should consist of at least one chairperson and two senators.

  • Brenda Fortney
  • Amanda Rodino
  • Adam Osbuin
  • Melissa Morgan
  • Angela Jarvis
  • Tracy L. Humphreys
  • Kaleb Ritchie
  • Dormishica Eskridge

Election Committee

Assist with initiating, publicizing, conducting, and tabulating the election and its results. Announce the results; in the event of a tie between two or more candidates, a run-off vote shall be conducted. A minimum of six (6) Senators is needed for this Committee.

  • Lakesha Moore
  • Felicia Roddy Jackson
  • Kristen Russell
  • Dormishica Eskridge
  • Vacant
  • Vacant

Issues Review Committee

Responsible for discussing and evaluating issues presented by the Senators, studying, developing, and making recommendations to the Executive Committee for action or information. The committee shall consist of up to nine senators but no fewer than two.

  • Benjamin Clanton
  • Ronald Rice
  • Brenda Fortney
  • Tony Pinson
  • Derrick Trent
  • Tracy L. Humphreys

Legislative Advisory Committee

Confer with the President of the Staff Senate and the President of the University of Memphis through the appropriate legislative offices about issues important to the mission of the Staff Senate and the University of Memphis as a whole. Encourage the participation of Staff Senate members in the political process, serving in an advocacy role for the betterment of the University staff. Communicate to the Staff Senate and University employees regarding issues impacting higher education employees. The committee shall consist of one chair and at least three senators.

  • Brenda Fortney
  • Tracy L. Humphreys
  • Kaleb Ritchie
  • Dormishica Eskridge

Public Relations Committee

Promote awareness of the Staff Senate’s mission, activities, and accomplishments among the university community. Handle communication through newsletters, social media, and the website, and organize events like the annual Food Bank Drive and Staff Appreciation Day. 

  • Kristen Russell*
  • Rebecca Fahey*
  • Angela Jarvis
  • Brenda Fortney
  • Mallory Gary
  • Michelle Dry
  • Dormishica Eskridge

* - Denotes chair

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