Research Symposiums

Seminar by Dr. Leah Windsor: “Language Patterns in International Relations”
>> Presentation

Seminar by Dr. Mihalis Golias: “Maritime Transportation – An Overview and research directions”
>> Presentation

Seminar by Dr. Amber Jennings: “Modified Chitosan Biomaterials for biofilm-based infection prevention and treatment”
>> Presentation

Seminar by Dr. Ana Doblas: “What is Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM)? What is the state of the art? How can DHM be applied to Marine Environment research?”
>> Presentation

Seminar by Dr. Brian Evans: “Entrepreneurship & The Pathways to Innovation”
>> Presentation

Seminar by Dr. Amy de Jongh: "Interrogating and Modulating Sensorimotor Circuits"
>> Presentation

Seminar by Dr. Dorian Brunette: "Tree-Ring Reconstructed Drought Atlases: How did we get here?
>> Presentation

Seminar by Dr. Ben Keller, Department of Physics and Materials Science: "Understanding How Galaxies form with Computers"
>> Presentation

Seminar by Dr. Rachel Lombardi, Department of Earth Sciences: “From Particles to Plans: How Flood Sediments Inform Flood Risk Management”
>> Presentation

Seminar by Dr. Arleen Hill, Department of Earth Sciences: “Applied and Engaged Scholarship: Perspectives of a Hazards Geographer”
>> Presentation

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