Almost six million square feet of space.

That's a lot of room. But our SPU team is the best at managing the millions of square feet of University space, maintaining the Physical Facilities Inventory (PFI) data and the analysis of current and future space needs for the University. The PFI Submission is directly related to University appropriations for facility improvements, maintenance, and new construction.

In 2001, SPU  implemented a comprehensive space management system using the ARCHIBUS/FM Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) system to maintain an extensive space inventory database and AutoCAD floor plans. This system also allows SPU to perform space programming studies, space needs assessments, and annual reports for departmental use for budget decisions that are crucial to an educational institution of this size and scope.

SPU also supports the Space Policy Council (SPC), a decision-making body appointed by the President, in their efforts to address University space issues. The SPC provides a forum for the assignment of existing space, planning future space, and other critical space planning issues.

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