About the Undergraduate Program

Sociology is the study of social relations in groups, institutions and organizations, communities, and entire societies. Why do people in groups interact with each other as they do? How do changes in health care services, and the health care industry, affect people's quality of life? How do communities organize to fight poverty and crime? What are the most important social changes in the U.S. and abroad over the last fifty years? How do changes in immigration patterns affect understandings about race and ethnicity? What is the significance of race in the twenty-first century? Why are there more wars in some world regions than in others? All of these questions, and many more, interest sociologists, who use various theories and research techniques to study the social problems that affect all of us.

If you are interested in the study of society, then sociology may well be the major for you. After graduation, sociology majors find employment as teachers, social-service workers, business people, health-care professionals, and in many other fields. Sociology is also an excellent major if you are planning to enter law school or another professional field, including medicine. Of course, some sociology majors enter MA or PhD programs in sociology because they want to become professors, professional researchers, or even market analysts. In short, sociology prepares people for a broad range of careers.

The American Sociological Association has published information on Sociology careers.  You can access that information through the following links:

The Department of Sociology, in collaboration with the University Honors Program , offers additional opportunities for undergraduates through course work, special topics, freshman forums, individualized research, and honors thesis.

Graves Enck Memorial Scholarship in Sociology

The Sociology Department is honored to offer Graves Enck Memorial Scholarship in Sociology.  This scholarship is designed to recognize and support sociology students on their academic journey. 

For additional information regarding undergraduate studies in Sociology, please contact:

Kendra Murphy
Undergraduate Advisor
Associate Professor of Teaching
Clement Hall Room 229A
Phone: (901) 678-4555

Kendra Murphy

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