Honors Program

The Sociology Honors Program challenges students to pursue a more in-depth analysis of the discipline, and encourages students to achieve academic excellence. Eligible students must have completed at least 55 hours of course work, and must have attained at least a 3.0 overall GPA and a 3.25 GPA in the major. The program requires 18 hours of honors work, including 12 hours of upper-division Sociology courses that count for honors credit.

Honors credits may be earned by taking regular honors courses, honors special topics courses, and writing an honors thesis. In some cases, subject to approval, students may negotiate an honors contract with faculty members.

Several honors courses are offered each year by the Department of Sociology. For information on these courses, and the departmental honors program in general, please contact:

Dr. Gretchen Peterson
Honors Program Coordinator of Sociology
231 Clement Hall
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152

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