Current DSW Students


Keena Friday-Gilbert

Email: kdglbert@memphis.edu

Keena Friday-Gilbert

Keena Friday-Gilbert, MBA,MSW,IECMH-E serves as Director of Belonging for the Association of Infant Mental in Tennessee (AIMHiTN). 
She has nearly 20 years of experience in working with children, families, and their communities through program development and non-profit management          
and seeks to help cultivate systems of inclusion and equity for families in Tennessee.  She obtained her BSW from Oral Roberts University,
her MBA from the University of Phoenix, and her MSW in Organizational Leadership from  the University of Tennessee.  She is currently
 a DSW candidate at the University of Memphis.  Keena desires to focus her research on inequities in early care for children of color.
"It is my desire for all children to experience a sense of belonging".

Saja Mboge

Email: sbmboge@memphis.edu
Saja Mboge
Saja B. Mboge is a Licensed Master Social Worker, a licensed School Social Worker, and a certified Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor.  He is
a second-year doctoral student in the School of Social Work DSW program.  He completed his undergraduate degree in social work at 
Rust College Holly Springs, MS, and his Master of Social Work from Barry University Ellen Whiteside McDonnell School of Social Work.  As a GA,
he taught and worked with a faculty member on research projects. Currently, he works as a licensed social worker for Memphis Shelby County
Schools and a graduate assistant for the School of Social Work at the University of Memphis.  He has taught introduction to social work online and
in person since the Fall of 2021.  Before working with MSCS as a school social worker, he worked as a Child and Adolescent Therapist with Compass
Intervention Center from 2011-2018, a PRN Crisis Specialist with Alliance Healthcare Services from 2015, and a PRN therapist with Vertava Health 
from July 2020 to August 2021.  Mr. Mboge has fifteen years of social work experience in various settings such as residential, hospice, PHP, IOP, crisis,
acute psychiatric hospitals, schools and addiction and recovery.  Mr. Mboge has years of experience with TF-CBT, CBT, and Seven challenges.  
He has experience working with individuals, groups, and families.
Mr. Mboge has worked with children and adolescents with a history of emotional dysregulation coupled with psychosocial stressors, anger, conduct issues, truancy,
trauma, grief, academic problems, and poor impulse control.  He has provided therapeutic interventions, such as social skills training, behavior management counseling,
and coping skills to students to help them overcome psychosocial stressors and underlying mental health challenges.  He has provided consultations about classroom
management and co-teaches a  youth mental health first aid course to MCSC staff and other mental health professionals in Memphis to help them recognize signs
of mental health challenges/distress among students and the public.  He has also co-presented suicide prevention to high schoolers within Memphis Shelby County Schools (MSCS).
He has worked with young adults and adults with a history of trauma, grief, co-occurring disorders, substance use disorder, and behavioral health challenges.  Mr. Mboge
has been an acrtive member of the National Association of Social Workers Association (NASW) since 2007.
His research interests include how unresolved trauma manifests in other behavioral issues for clients and the normalization of generational trauma.  Other research
interests include the impact of Covid-19 on educational attainment among African American K-12 students in Memphis TN, barriers and access to Mental
Health Care among Veterans, and correlations between trauma and substance use and the use of technology in social work practice.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching is focused on interacting with students to reflect the core values of social work education.  The foundation of my teaching philosophy originates from
fostering an environment where learning becomes the center through interaction and creativity.  In my classroom, the focus is on collective learning and constantly
striving to meet the desired goals.

Kelli Garrett

Email: kbgrrett@memphis.edu

Kelli Garrett

Kelli Garrett is a DSW student in the College of Social Work, based in Nashville, TN.  She earned her MSW from the University of Tennessee
and BSW from Lipscomb University.  She currently serves as the Directror of Assessment and Engagement for Lipscomb University's Online
program.  In that role, she oversees Lipscomb Online's CORE Assessment Center, which provides student professionals the opporunity
to demonstrate their leadership competencies, identify their strengths, and earn significant credit toward graduation.  Kelli also 
teaches/develops leadership courses and supports online faculty.
Kelli is highly involved with Lipscomb University's LIFE program, which provides college degrees for incarcerated individuals in two state prisons.
She conducts leadership assessments, teaches leadership courses and workshops, and advises students interested in social work/counseling.
Kelli is pursuing a DSW and Higher Education Learning certificate with the hopes of leading Higher Education in Prison (HEP) programs
full-time.  Her research/dissertation will be related to issues surrounding HEP.
Kelli is an experienced social services program developer and manager, having led at organizations such as Second Harvest Food Bank and
St. Luke's Community House in Nashville, TN.  Kelli has served as an adjunct instructor for Lipscomb University BSW Adult Degree Program 
and has supervised undergraduate and graduate social work students from multiple Nashville universities.
Kelli enjoys the great outdoors (hiking, swimming, yard work, etc.), comedy, her two cats, and spending time with her young niece and nephew.

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