Doctor of Social Work Program

We are proud to introduce the new Doctor of Social Work program.


To prepare practitioner-scholars who can generate new social work knowledge and respond to increasingly complex practice environments.

The DSW program learning outcomes are to:
1) Evaluate social work services and practice environments using twenty-first century skills in data-driven analysis and informatics.
2) Demonstrate social work leadership and management skills to respond to complex practice environments locally, nationally, and globally.
3) Educate the next generation of social workers through supervision and training to be leaders
in a changing practice environment.
4) Demonstrate leadership skills in interdisciplinary environments in collaboration with diverse clients and communities.
5) Contribute to social work knowledge through research and practice.


3 years, 48 credit hours online (33 hours of required courses, 9 hours of electives, & 6 hours of dissertation)
Coursework in: statistics, research, evaluation, management, and supervision.
Electives may be used to pursue additional coursework or certificates in: teaching, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, or clinical methods

Admissions Eligibility

An MSW degree from a CSWE-accredited program
A minimum of two-year post-MSW work experiences

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