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Citations for Publications and Webinars

  • Harrell-Williams, L.M., Azmy, C., Lee, H.S., Roberts, S.G & Webb, J. (2020, February). Ask me once, Ask me twice: An analysis of pre-service mathematics teachers' responses on a retrospective pretest version of the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS-HS) instrument. Proceedings of 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Conference (RUME), Boston, MA.
  • Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J. N., Lesser, L.M., Lee, H. S., Pierce, R. L., Murphy, T.J, & Sorto, M. A. (2019). Measuring Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics in Grades 6-12 Mathematics Teachers. In J. Bostic, E. Krupa, & J. Shih (Eds.), Assessment in Mathematics Education Contexts: Theoretical Frameworks and New Directions (pp. 147-171). New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 9781138598713.
  • Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J.N., Lee, H.S., Pierce, R.L., Lesser, L.M., & Sorto, M.A. (2019). Validation of scores from the high school version of the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS-HS) instrument using pre-service mathematics teachers. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 37(2), 194-208. First published online, October 18, 2017. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0734282917735151
  • Pierce, R.L., Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lesser, L.M., Roberts, S.G. y Sorto, M.A. (2019). Comparing item difficulty ratings and distributions of item mentions for pre-service secondary teacher ratings on the Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics (SETS) instrument. En J. M. Contreras, M. M. Gea, M. M. López-Martín y E. Molina-Portillo (Eds.), Actas del Tercer Congreso International Virtual de Educación Estadística (III International Virtual Congress on Statistical Education). https://www.ugr.es/~fqm126/civeest/pierce.pdf
  • Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J. N., Sorto, M. A., Pierce, R. L., Lesser, L.M. & Murphy, T.J. (2018). "Using the SETS Level A Items to Classify Pre-service Teachers' Self-Efficacy to Teach Statistics: An Application of the Mixture Rasch Model". In M.A. Sorto (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS10, July, 2018), Kyoto, Japan. https://iase-web.org/icots/10/proceedings/pdfs/ICOTS10_C220.pdf?1531364323
  • Harrell-Williams, L.M., Lovett, J. N., Pierce, R. L., Sorto, M. A., Lee, H. L., & Lesser, L.M. (2017). "The middle grades SETS instrument: Psychometric comparison of middle and high school pre-service mathematics teachers." In E. Galindo & J. Newton, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 39th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1064-1067). Indianapolis, IN: Hoosier Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. http://www.pmena.org/pmenaproceedings/PMENA%2039%202017%20Proceedings.pdf
  • Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., Lesser, L.M., & Murphy, T.J. (2015). Identifying statistical concepts associated with high and low levels of self-efficacy to teach statistics to middle grades. Journal of Statistics Education, 23(1), 1 – 20. http://www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v23n1/harrell-williams.pdf
  • Harrell-Williams, L.M, Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R., Lesser, L.M., & Murphy, T.J. (2014b). "Using the SETS Instruments to Investigate Sources of Variation in Levels of Pre-service Teacher Efficacy to Teach Statistics". In K. Makar, B. de Sousa, & R. Gould (Eds.), Sustainability in statistics education. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS9, July, 2014), Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. Voorburg, The Netherlands: International Statistical Institute. http://icots.info/9/proceedings/pdfs/ICOTS9_C270_HARRELLWILLIAMS.pdf
  • Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., Lesser, L.M., & Murphy, T.J. (2014a). Validation of scores from a measure of teachers' self-efficacy to teach middle grades statistics. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 32(1), 40-50.   http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0734282913486256
  • Harrell-Williams, L.M., Sorto, M.A., Pierce, R.L., Lesser, L., & Murphy, T.J. (2012). Measuring confidence to teach statistics to middle and high school grades: The development and validation of the SETS instruments. Webinar for Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE). http://www.causeweb.org/webinar/teaching/2012-08/
  • Harrell, L.M., Pierce, R.L., Sorto, M.A., Murphy, T.J., Lesser, L.M., & Enders, F.B. (2009). On the importance and measurement of pre-service teachers' efficacy to teach statistics: Results and lessons learned from the development and testing of a GAISE-based instrument. Proceedings of the 2009 Joint Statistical Meetings, Section on Statistical Education, pp. 3396 - 3408. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. http://www.statlit.org/pdf/2009HarrellEtAlASA.pdf
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