Your Support Will Change The Face Of Music In Memphis

The Scheidt Family Performing Arts Center offers world-class facilities, supporting its role as the region's largest and most comprehensive music school. This 82,000-square-foot center features state-of-the-art amenities, including a 900+ seat concert hall, expanded stage space, exceptional acoustics, dedicated rehearsal spaces, classrooms, and modern music laboratories.

We aim to raise funds to provide students with the resources they need to thrive in the new Scheidt Family Performing Arts Center. Part of the funding will equip the Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music with the latest technology and recording equipment, enabling innovations like real-time synchrony with musicians worldwide. Additionally, funds will be used to purchase instruments and establish a borrowing program, allowing students who cannot afford their own instruments to borrow one temporarily.

Our fundraising efforts are ongoing as we work to fully equip our state-of-the-art facility with the necessary equipment and support for an instrument-lending program for students.

If you want to support the future of music in Memphis, please contact Meredith Powers at meredith.powers@memphis.edu or 859.749.6385.

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Thank you to our supporters.

Scheidt Family Foundation

Plough Foundation The Assisi Foundation of Memphis, Inc. Helen and Jabie Hardin Charitable Trust
Drs. Russel L. and Joy B. Wiener Charles and Margaret Hubbert  George and Pat Traicoff 
Fred and Charlotte Hodges Pearl Wales Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dinkelspiel
James R. Humphreys Gerald and Elizabeth Marshall Mr. and Mrs. David B. Ferraro
Marjean and Richard Kremer The Family of JJ & Bobby Krauch The Family of Nancy W. Smith & Doug Edwards
Circle Music Belz 2008 Foundation Joanne and Roy Howard Family + Bailard Foundation
Rick and Sandy Spell  Barbara Mashburn Ms. Rebecca W. Ballou
The Rushing Family The Presley Family The Jalenak Family 
The Meskin Family  Brenda and Fred Grinder Lyda G. Parker
Brown Brothers Harriman Dr. Neal and Joey Beckford and Family William B. Townsend 
The Hohenberg Charity Trust The Family of Dana & Bill McKelvy