Safety Updates & Resources

(September 20, 2023) 

Steering Wheel Lock Installation

(September 16, 2023) 

Steering Wheel Locks for Students-Update

Steering wheel locks will be given away today from 12 noon to 4 pm to students at 3770 Desoto Ave. Please bring your student id. Drive up to pick up and free assistance on installation if needed. Form filled out at time of pick up.

(September 1, 2023)

Steering Wheel Locks for Students

Message from the Chief:

To those who have emailed us about the steering wheel locks, the message sent on 08/31 was to let everyone know we have ordered the items, but they have not arrived. Another message will be sent when they are available.

In the meantime, you can check with your local police departments, including the Memphis Police Department, to see if they have any available. Also, Kia and Hyundai have been giving away the same items to customers, so you can check with a dealership. Additionally, make certain you check with the dealership or look for notices they mailed to customers regarding software upgrades that can be installed for free to make the vehicle more difficult to steal.

Again, thanks for the responses we have received and we will send another email once we receive the locks, if you cannot obtain one at the other sources.

Derek Myers

Chief of Police

(August 18, 2023)

Everbridge-Community Alert

If you are not a UofM student or employee and would like to receive UofM ALERT notifications, you can subscribe to our NIXLE channel. Text TIGERNATION to 888777. 

(June 30, 2023)

Park Avenue Campus Update

At the Park Avenue Campus, the Getwell and the Park entry guard booths have been set in place. Electrical wiring is in process of being installed by Physical Plant. The work to install the island and guard booth at the Athletic entry has been bid and awarded.  The rolling gate for athletics is in place now.

Security boothSecurity booth

(June 28, 2023)

Everbridge Notification System is Live

Please check UofM Everbridge for more information regarding this critical communication tool. If we cannot REACH you, we cannot ALERT you! The Membership Portal is located here to allow you to update your contact information, notification preferences, weather subscriptions, activate quiet hours and more. Please log in with your SSO login. Further information coming soon regarding Community Partner Alerts. 

**Update on Community Partner Alerts. Please text TIGERNATION to 888777 for our Community Engagement Nixle Channel.** (August 18, 2023)

(June 6, 2023)

General Campus Safety Updates

  • The UofM is making good progress on the hiring of the new Director of Campus Safety and Security.
  • A deal is near final for 300 LED fixtures for the Central Avenue lot, both Centennial lots, Honors Hall lot, Mynders/Patterson lot, Southern Avenue lot and Filed House lot for a total cost of $577,618.
  • LED lamp replacements have been ordered for the Park Campus loop drive, Lot 62 and Lot 64 (Athletics) for a total cost of $14,000. 
  • Three guard stations have been ordered and received.
  • A rolling gate for entry to the Athletics Complex has been contracted for $44,961. Gate tracks are installed and the gate is scheduled for completion in two weeks.
  • Concrete pads for the Getwell and Goodlett guard stations are being installed this week. Wiring for these guard stations is being priced and will be completed after setting guard booths and securing them to the pads.
  • Bids for the Athletics Complex guard station, street widening and fence for Lot 63 are due on June 15 with a 60-day completion time.
  • The Park Avenue Campus perimeter fencing for Getwell and Park street sides has a June 26 bid date with 60 days to construct. The expected cost is more than $800,000.
  • Glass protection for Campus School, the Orgel Educational Center, Kindergarten and ELRC bid date is June 14.
  • Plans for parking gates at Normal Street, Goodman Street, Central Lot, Deloach Lot are to be finished on Jun 19, opened for bid and constructed in 45 days. Security fencing along Spottswood and Deloach is in the following plans.

(May 9, 2023)

Safety Lighting

Newly acquired trailer-mounted light towers have been strategically placed around campus for increased safety and security. Until permanent solutions to replace light equipment are in place, the UofM will be using the light towers to augment lighting for the following areas:

      • Lot 20 – Brad Martin Wellness Center east side of Parking Lot
      • Lot 34 – Central Avenue Shirley C. Raines Centennial Place west Parking Lot
      • Lot 38 – Central Avenue Information Center
      • Lot 44 – Central Avenue north of the Scheidt Performing Arts Center
      • Lot 64 – Park Avenue Campus Athletic Facilities Parking

Existing light towers are also being used as needed when outages are reported.

University of Memphis 2022 Crime on Campus Ranking

The main impact to campus crime for the University of Memphis has been motor vehicle theft, theft from motor vehicle, theft of motor vehicle parts, as well as larceny and vandalism that is vehicle related. The UofM was ranked fourth overall among large campuses. The full TBI report can be found by clicking here.

Lake Forest Group — Security and Safety Assessment Update

The Lake Forest Group was provided information on policies, procedures and critical functions related to security and safety for the University. Lake Forest Group has determined focal areas to examine over the next several months for recommendations or to validate best practices for safety and security.

As part of the Security and Safety Assessment, questionnaires and interviews have been completed between the Lake Forest Group and University representatives from Information Technology, Human Resources, Physical Plant and Police Services.

Additional questionnaires and interviews with key personnel, including Campus Planning, Housing & Residence Life, Academic Affairs and Risk Management will be completed in the next few weeks. This process ensures Lake Forest Group has a complete understanding of operations, potential issues, needs or concerns.

(April 24, 2023)

Lake Forest Group Assessment

The University has engaged a globally recognized firm — Lake Forest Group — to develop and implement a comprehensive safety strategy for the University. Lake Forest Group will assess Police Services, Campus Planning & Design and Risk Management at the UofM. The assessment is taking place from April-September 2023.

Assessment timeline:

      • April 1 | Kick-off Meeting
      • April 1-May 15 | Document Request
      • May 1-June 1 | Data Collection, Statistical Analysis and Staff Interviews
      • May 15-July 15 | Site Surveys and Report Writing
      • July 15-August 15 | Draft Assessment
      • August 15-September 1 | Final Assessment
      • September 1 | Project Briefing

(April 20, 2023)

UofM to Receive $5.488 Million for Campus Safety & Security from the State of Tennessee

The University of Memphis will receive $5.488 million earmarked for campus safety and security upgrades this fiscal year after Gov. Bill Lee’s recommendation passed the State of Tennessee Legislature Wednesday at the State Capitol. The $5.488 million in funds will be utilized as:

      • $2.193 million for upgrade and installation of LED Lighting
      • $1.46 million for perimeter fencing and parking lot access control
      • $773,000 for intelligent camera installations
      • $750,000 for a comprehensive notification system
      • $312,000 for mobile trailers and patrol vehicle replacements

Click here for more information >

(April 17, 2023)

Everbridge Crisis Management Replacing LiveSafe

Everbridge Crisis Management will be replacing LiveSafe as the University's primary emergency communication system.  Everbridge will orchestrate all crisis response activities, teams and resources to accelerate critical event recovery times and allow the UofM to continue prioritizing your safety and security.

Risk Management, Police Services and Information Technology Services are currently working with Everbridge to follow their implementation and onboarding best practice guidance. Mark Heath, Executive Director of Safety, Business Continuity and Risk Management, is serving as the customer project lead and collaborating with Police Services, ITS and others for system operations, branding, contact data and IT requirements to complete implementation and onboarding objectives.

Other Everbridge customers include the City of Memphis, the Tennessee Health Department, the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, Harvard University, Vanderbilt University and Mississippi State University.

Updates to the implementation process include: 

      • 24,536 users have been pre-loaded into the ENS software as the University will utilize Everbridge under “opt-out” provisions to enable and promote mass notification for the Campus Community.
      • Everbridge will pair with SnapComms to replace Alertus for video display and desktop “override” for messaging as part of a tiered approach for notifications via text, email, phone and voice. This will allow for a streamlined process to notify our campuses of situations or events in a quick and effective manner.
      • Parents will also be provided with a link to subscribe to the Everbridge ENS services for awareness of situations or events on UofM campuses.
      • Projected go-live date for Everbridge/SnapComms — June 15, 2023.

(March 31, 2023)



Tiger Family,
Our hearts go out to Nashville because of the recent violent, senseless acts at the Covenant School.

Through the lens of this tragedy, and the current environment in our community and nation, we continue to review our own safety measures on campus.
To this end, we have engaged a globally recognized firm, Lake Forest Group, to develop and implement a comprehensive safety strategy for the University.

We are investing more than $2.5 million in fencing, gating, lighting and security cameras to better secure and monitor parking lots and surrounding areas.

We continue working with MLGW President and CEO Doug McGowen to improve lighting on perimeter neighborhood streets and collaborating with the City of Memphis Police Department to better coordinate efforts on police patrols on and around campus.

Additional resources will be invested to increase human and physical security infrastructure on campus as our work continues with the State to secure additional funding for safety and security – a $5.4 million ask.

We have increased coordination with other law enforcement and community partners such as the University Neighborhood Development Corporation to curb crime, specifically auto-related crime, which has been the source of most of our issues in and around campus.

Faculty, staff and students, our No. 1 priority is safety and security … YOUR safety and security. Let’s join together to keep each other and our campus safe.



The UofM's comprehensive personal safety mobile app is LiveSafe and can be downloaded for free.

Tiger Patrol

Tiger Patrol is a personal escort program staffed by students to enhance the safety of persons on campus in the evening.

Police Services

Police Services is dedicated to making the University of Memphis a safe place to learn and work.

This page will be updated frequently. Please check back for more information.
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