University of Memphis Research Council

Role of the UMRC

The Division of Research and Innovation is committed to building the research community at the University of Memphis. In support of this, the Division has formed the University of Memphis Research Council (UMRC). Comprised of faculty representatives, Associate Deans of Research or equivalent positions in each college and school, and Division staff, the UMRC holds meeting three times a year.

The UMRC is the primary liaison between faculty researchers and university leadership on all issues related to our research environment, research policies, research compliance and strategic research directions. The UMRC serves in a consultative role and reviews research and compliance policies, contemplates growth opportunities, identifies areas of excellence, catalyzes cross-disciplinary and trans-institutional collaborations, and unifies divergent goals and objectives of local research and exploration thrusts with institutional mission and priorities. In the spirit of faculty governance, it also serves as an important feedback loop for the University's research efforts. Members of the Council also help to promote research discourse at the local level and serve as local champions for research in their respective units.

The Division of Research and Innovation has achieved Carnegie R1 Classification for Highest Research Activity.



Task Forces

  • Task Forces Reports 

Minutes of Meetings

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