Funded Grants & Awards

You've been funded! Now what?

Ensure that the Office of Sponsored Programs have received your Notice of Award from the sponsor by forwarding the document to ospawards@memphis.edu.Your Cayuse record will be converted for award set up.

Once your award is set up in Cayuse, you will receive an email confirmation and your Cayuse record will be transferred to the Grants Accounting department for processing. Once your award has been processed, the Grants Accounting department will send a confirmation email with account and index information.

Do you need your funding right away?

PIs/PDs can initiate a request by submitting an Advance Account Request via Cayuse SP. All requests must have a valid submitted proposal through OSP, have met all compliance requests (e.g., IRB approval, IACUC approval, FCOI), and include a high expectation that the project will be awarded.

The Advance Account Request can be accessed in Cayuse SP. Select either My Proposals or Proposals in My Unit, and click on the proposal number. If the Advance Account tab is not visible, the proposal is not available for an Advance Account.

In requesting and accepting an Advance Account on behalf of a PI/PD, the department or school assumes the financial risk in the event the award is not made, not accepted, or if the terms of the award deem certain expenditures to be unallowable. The OSP will use its best efforts to finalize an award but cannot guarantee a successful outcome of any award negotiation.

The Advance Account Request requires the following electronic approvals:

  • Principal Investigator or Project Director
  • Department Chair or Designee
  • College Dean or Designee
  • More information on Advance Accounts can be accessed here.

Contact Our Team:

Lauren Williams, Sponsored Programs Award Administrator

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