MINDS Services


We work with all parties interested in engaging in defense research and infrastructure development in Memphis and the wider region. Our services are designed to help all stakeholders navigate the process of procuring funding through research grants and contracts with the Department of Defense and related agencies. We serve as a hub for University of Memphis defense activities. Any faculty may utilize these services, and we work closely with faculty to navigate pathways to funding research. We also are available to help regional partners in the DoD with specific opportunities in need of a reliable and fiscally capable partner.

  • NDAA and Defense Appropriations:
    • In partnership with UofM Government Relations, MINDS helps to develop and submit DoD appropriations requests and NDAA requests.
  • BAA submission support
    • MINDS assists faculty and other stakeholders with preparing BAA submissions including budget, ancillary documents, and other key requirements unique to the DoD. 
  • Contract negotiation and contracting vehicle setup
    • Post-award grant and contract setup is executed in collaboration with UofM Research Enterprise Services. Grants and contracts are routed through their office for execution. As appropriate, MINDS also partners with UofM Research Foundation to leverage external vehicles for execution of work. 
  • Reporting and other specific, specialized post-award requirements
  • Research Development
    • Development of projects, assisting researchers with connection to defense department program officers and relevant offices. MINDS can also assist with white paper, quad chart, and other material development for researchers. 
  • Business development, small business partnership cultivation, project management
    • Assisting with small business plans, managing defense projects, and other 
  • Professional development and research ecosystem growth (including STEM and Workforce partnerships)
    • Executed under Education Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and similar agreements,  MINDS can assist with coordinating wider impact of research including workforce pipeline development, internship programs, and other broader impacts and similar concerns.